Texas Innovation Alliance
This white paper explores the technical tools and community engagement strategies that can be used to achieve SSI. It also provides recommendations for policymakers, transportation professionals, community leaders, and other stakeholders in their efforts to enhance intersection safety and create sustainable and safe transportation systems. Zhanmin Zhang, PhD had a profound impact on transportation resilience and infrastructure management. In honor of his legacy, the Zhang Resilience Fellowship is awarded to one student each year based on talent and character in keeping with Dr. Zhang’s compassion and resilient spirit.‍
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Intersection Safety Technical Tools & Community Engagement Strategies
White Paper
Intersection Safety Technical Tools & Community Engagement Strategies
This white paper explores the technical tools and community engagement strategies that can be used to achieve SSI. It also provides recommendations for policymakers, transportation professionals, community leaders, and other stakeholders in their efforts to enhance intersection safety and create sustainable and safe transportation systems. Zhanmin Zhang, PhD had a profound impact on transportation resilience and infrastructure management. In honor of his legacy, the Zhang Resilience Fellowship is awarded to one student each year based on talent and character in keeping with Dr. Zhang’s compassion and resilient spirit.‍

This white paper explores the technical tools and community engagement strategies that can be used to achieve SSI. It also provides recommendations for policymakers, transportation professionals, community leaders, and other stakeholders in their efforts to enhance intersection safety and create sustainable and safe transportation systems.

Zhanmin Zhang, PhD had a profound impact on transportation resilience and infrastructure management. In honor of his legacy, the Zhang Resilience Fellowship is awarded to one student each year based on talent and character in keeping with Dr. Zhang’s compassion and resilient spirit.

Reference Materials: 
Intersection Safety Technical Tools & Community Engagement Strategies